Healthy Healing Truths of Cancer and the Treatment of it.

Are the options available in mainstream Western Medicine survivable?

Heaven's Healthy Healing
Seeds For The Future
7 min readMay 25, 2021


It’s a hard pill to swallow…

The promises of mainstream cancer treatments

The big “C” word can send many Americans into a state of fear that in itself is unhealthy. Many lives are lost in the U.S. due to the treatment of cancer. Invasive procedures such as surgery, radiation, and injections of chemicals intended to kill the cells within the body are the mainstream practices for cancer treatment in the U.S

All living things are made up of cells. Killing those cells whether healthy or unhealthy can result in a devastating loss of life. This is a common tragedy occurring in large numbers on a daily in the U.S. The practice of radiation, surgery, and infusions of deadly chemicals into the body has no promise of curing cancer cells.

The only promises offered in these procedures are financial burdens, physical illness of the highest degree, and often death. Death from treatment can be a painful pill to swallow, no pun intended here. Without alternative options, this mainstream practice is often the only known option for those diagnosed with cancer in the U.S.

In a world of hidden truths- tell me the other options!

Cancer research and treatment in the mainstream.

Projected cancer diagnosis for the year 2021 by the American Cancer Society is set at the high number of 1,898,160 with an expected death rate of 608,570. It goes without saying those numbers are the souls involved in the mainstream system with mainstream treatment involved.

Prescreen testing is marketed as a way to prevent cancer and/or death from cancer. This is effective in preventing death from cancer, however, the treatment is often something one may not survive. The risk is high when the “C’ word is announced.

Fear of death overwhelms the diagnosed when the word cancer is told. Strait off to treatment to prevent death from cancer is normally the first recommendation and plan of attack, even if no symptoms or illness are present within the diagnosed. According to collected data, 43% survive this endeavor.

43% SURVIVAL RATE — Yikes!

*Survival data with data collected nationally by the (SEER) program.

Roswell Park is a cancer research center that prides itself in the research of cancer treatment on human subjects. The institute has grown in size and stature since its invention. The facility is larger than some of our major cities.

Roswell Research Center has a cancer research, prevention, and treatment mission that includes a mission to protect their research and their research subjects, that states-

  • Advancing responsible and ethical research practices, to ensure that the rights, dignity, and welfare of all research subjects are protected
  • Minimizing the risks associated with such endeavors in accordance with the Belmont Report, FDA, OHRP, USDA, OLAW, NIH, and OBA by providing oversight, education, and monitoring
  • Promoting and advocating for research subjects, especially those who are vulnerable and/or susceptible to manipulation and exploitation

Founded in 1898, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center was the first institution in the world to focus exclusively on cancer research. That’s 123 years of cancer research! It stretches the mind to know that within all of those years the survival rate of treatment has soared to just under 50%.

The great news is that almost half of the patients treated may survive the “prevention of death from cancer” treatment offered by the research facility. Given the history, in another 100 years, there may be a higher survival rate in the treatment of cancer.

How many more buildings do we need for research in the next 100 years?

These advanced research practices are deemed ethical. The risks involved are minimalized and the promotion for research subjects remains high in the mainstream healthcare system with Pre-screening tests as common as drinking water.

According to the theory pre-cancer cells can be treated prior to cancer development. The trick is to survive the research treatment before cancer develops and causes death. Education is key. Knowing what a cancer cell is and why it can be a source of issue is the place to start.

Knowing what causes cancer cells to develop is the huge cancer prevention truth.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the US National Toxicology Program (NTP). List environmental agents that cause cancer.

*Radiation, for example, is a #1 cancer-causing agent. Radiation in simple x-ray form can be harmful to the human DNA, actually causing cancer cells. This is why when at the ER, the Radiation department holds high security. Only x-ray patients are welcome there.

Critical thinkers may shy away from having the annual prescreen cancer test of a mammogram done simply due to this fact. Radiation of the breast on an annual basis may eventually detect cancer cells created by the testing itself!

Cancer research staying alive!

The World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies processed meat as a carcinogen, something that causes cancer. And it classifies red meat as a probable carcinogen, something that probably causes cancer.

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer. The body has the ability to heal itself and overcome this virus without treatment. These are facts many Americans do not know. HPV vaccines are given to young children to “ prevent cervical cancer”. In truth, lifestyle itself can be a preventative.

Logic, Lifestyle, and faith in the powers that be.

The National Cancer Institute lists many cancer-causing substances in the environment we are surrounded by on a daily basis. Keeping the cells that our bodies are made of -healthy- can be real work in an environment that is polluted with carcinogens that our bodies do not recognize as natural or normal enough to process.

Knowing what is on that list is a wise way to navigate this natural realm that has increasingly become, un-natural. The foods we eat, the air we breathe, and even the medical practice and treatment prescribed are often unnatural, unhealthy, cancer-causing agents.

The cancer test is positive, now what? The scary “C” word has been announced and fear of all that’s awful has crept in. The medical guidance given is everything that was stated above. Knowing death is a possible outcome moving forward with the given medical advice is a dreadful event.

We live in a world full of natural Healthy Healing Solutions!

Natural solutions are available, with minimal risk and investment. These natural solutions are rarely studied scientifically and have minimal scientific evidence of their powers due to the lack of scientific study within the mainstream. Naturopathy does not have promotions for research subjects or prescreen practices where a search for physical flaws that can be researched, in place.

Natural health and healing does have prevention measures included in the practice. Those preventative practices are placed into the lifestyle with education being the key. A good example is, as stated earlier, breast cancer might be prevented if we do not continuously search for it with a cancer-causing agent.

Did we find it yet?
Did we find it yet?

Meat we grow and process naturally without growth hormones involved may also save one from a large host of health issues. The unaware may giggle at the prescribed solution of “ drink more water.” However, knowing that our bodies are made of a minimum of 3/4 water could assist in the comprehension of the logic.

Healthy healing solutions do exist without invasions of costly mainstream medical practices. We are the rulers of our health. We control what our bodies consume and are exposed to on a daily basis. We are not the rulers of our lifespan. The day, hour, and length of our existence here does not depend on the medical profession, whether mainstream or alternative.

Preventing the inevitable shedding of our physical bodies seems ridiculous. Preventing cancer, diabetes, broken legs, and the like can be done in a cost-free healthy manner with conscious lifestyle choices, education, and faith in the truth of where the true powers of life exist.

Eat the God-given Lemons!

As you ponder the facts presented here, there is another subject that I suggest adding to the pondering event. Medicinal Plants Interfere With Pharmaceuticals… Find out why!

With all this pondering of facts and concepts, a headache could occur. Learn what to do about that too!

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Heaven's Healthy Healing
Seeds For The Future

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