The Healing Power of Chamomile

Remove tooth pain naturally with this tiny apple-scented flower

Heaven's Healthy Healing
6 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Anton Atanasov on Unsplash

Tooth pain can be extreme enough that it can require the strength of a woman laboring the birth of a child to endure it. The tissue stretching throb that the swollen gums can gift is a challenge to tolerate. The shocks can hit hard as the exposed nerve announces this tooth has an issue.

The local pharmacy may have a few tubes of anesthetic gels to use on that pounding toothache until the dentist can fit you into his schedule. The idea of a numb tongue and drooling mouth may not excite you but severe pain often can cause us to try almost anything to remove it.

Removing the pain of a toothache can be done naturally in a few different ways. Personal experience and many scientific studies result in Chamomile being a fast effective healthy healing herb to use for naturally removing pain from a toothache.

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Drinking Chamomile tea will provide a large host of benefits for those who consume it. We will soon look at these benefits in detail, however, in the emergency of a toothache, the suggestion here is to place the fresh live chamomile flower directly onto the aching tooth while waiting for that tea to brew.

This suggestion could sound odd to the civilized folk seeking solutions in a bottle. The facts are that this activity will instantly relieve the throbbing pain of a toothache. The pain relief may last as long as the drool gel found on the pharmacy shelves.

Although another flower may be needed within the hour, it may surprise you to learn there are no drool issues to upset the stomach or numbing of the whole mouth including your tongue, as it can be with the gel. Natural pain relief is known to be “Non-Invasive” like that.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

That’s right. The stomach won’t be upset by the anesthetic-filled drool dripping into the stomach as it can be with the over-the-counter anesthetic gels, or the strong overwhelm of a clove. Swallowing Chamomile’s apple flavor can be pleasant for more than just the mouth.

In fact, Chamomile is a medicinal plant that aids in digestion. Several chemicals found in this healthy healing plant, primarily Bisabolol have a relaxing effect on the soft tissues lining the digestive tract.

Bisabolol makes Chamomile an anti-spasmatic herb. Studies have shown that Chamomile relaxes the digestive tract as well as the opium-based drug papaverine.

Put the Chamomile flower on the swollen gums. Leave it there in “on duty mode” and let That little yellow ball do its work. It will fit nicely in its place.

It is okay to go ahead and eat the Chamomile flower. Commission E ( the expert panel that evaluates herbal medicines for the German counterpart of the FDA) endorses Chamomile for gastrointestinal conditions.

Photo by Romina BM on Unsplash

For those who have not ever eaten a wildflower, the suggestion here is to be brave and have no anxiety about the activity. Blow the bugs off, rinse well with fresh clean water and apply it to that pounding tooth.

Anxiety will disappear right along with the pain if you try this simple method of pain relief. This is a promise backed by Chamomile's long history of use as a mild sedative- AND… My own personal experience.

With or without a toothache Chamomile will reduce anxiety when consumed or even applied topically. Argentinean researchers discovered a compound in Chamomile known as apigenin. This compound binds to the same cell receptors as prescribed tranquilizers and anti-anxiety drugs as diazepam ( Valium ).

The great news is that the Chamomile flower will not create addiction or cause the awful side effects of dizziness, blurred vision, and the rest of the ugly story some of those pharma creations can often provide.

Photo by Robin M. on Unsplash

As you may already know, a pounding toothache can create pain and stressful anxiety along with an upset stomach. We have looked at how Chamomile can help remove these issues until the dentist can address the painful tooth problem.

Knowing that the whole system is affected by a toothache removing pain is not the only goal…

Toothaches can be a serious situation beyond the mind-numbing pain experienced with a problem tooth. Often the tooth can drain poisonous toxins and cause infection in the mouth. If left untreated the infection can spread into the body’s entire system.

Enhanced immunity and Infection prevention can happen when using Chamomile. Macrophages and B-lymphocytes are the white blood cells that are stimulated by this immune-boosting medicinal plant.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Chamomile has proven to fight off infections caused by viruses and bacteria such as staphylococcus, and influenza. It can kill fungi too such as Candida albicans which is what causes vaginal yeast infections. Studies have shown Chamomile to work as well as the pharmaceutical clotrimazole.

From serious flu symptoms to severe tooth pain this herbal flower can do much to help heal our troubling ailments. The compound azulene is found in Chamomile and is known to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties.

Eclectic physicians recommend placing chamomile compress on wounds to eliminate infection, swelling, and pain while increasing the speed of healing time. Heaven’s Healthy Healing Herbals & Solutions recommends using a Chamomile flower placed on a painful tooth for immediate relief of pain caused by that problem tooth.

Photo by Ioana Cristiana on Unsplash

To learn more about Chamomile and other medicinal plants that heal in a healthy way follow-

Learn to identify these plants. Find where they grow and live in their chosen environment. Take a nature walk with this free publication in hand for reference.

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P.S. ( meaning: PostScript )…

If your pain levels are on a chart higher than “OUCH” try adding other known Healthy Healing Herbals to the cabinet of remedies such as Tumeric, Clove, Thyme, and/or Valerian.

Dr Mehmetyildiz has advice on how to prevent unbearable issues from the teeth…

Enjoy the above reads…


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